Earlier today, a leaked video of Ali Rehman started to circulate on social media where the actor was seen lashing out at a McDonald’s employee. In the video, the Khaas star is seen going off, completely losing his cool saying, “Aap Ko Pata Hai Mein Kaun Hun?” which clearly shows the feeling of entitlement taking over the situation.
Fans and followers expressed extreme disappointment over Ali’s seemingly poor behavior. Here’s what they had to say:
Hey @alirehmankhan It has come to our attention vide a viral video on twitter that you are some TV person. We are currently working on rehabilitation of self obsessed over-actors who think that they are love child of Emma watson and Leonardo. Kindly contact us as soon as possible
— Nawab Shami (@fcukyuow) November 23, 2019
The video offended many as it should have been until he took to Instagram to narrate his side of the story stating that the whole episode was indeed a social experiment, centering the ‘Tum Jaantay Ho Mein Kaun Hun’ culture to raise awareness.The video was purposely made with the intention for it to go viral – which was successfully achieved. He further went on to state that the ‘VIP Culture’ was an ongoing problem in our country which needs attention.
McDonald’s Pakistan also verified Ali’s side via a thank you post on their official Twitter account.
So MacDonald's Saying That Ali Rehman Se Settlement Hogai Hai Aap Log Sab Chey Hain and Wo Dekhen Camera Hi tu Boldein plz 😂😝 pic.twitter.com/ZNZSOEuv7I
— Merc (@merchantgem) November 23, 2019
We truly appreciate Ali Rehman’s efforts to address and bring light upon societal issues. Do you think it could have been done in another way? Let us know by leaving a comment on our Instagram page!