Leading actress Mehwish Hayat recently took to social media to shut down ‘perverts’ commenting underneath a picture the star had posted of herself, in which they thought it okay to discuss the color of her undergarments.
The picture was part of an ‘Independence Day’ post that the actress had put up, in which she was waving the Pakistani flag, with an accompanying caption: “The Quaid said, “It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality.” Hoisting the flag is not enough, if we really respect this country, we need to embody the ideals of our forefathers. Happy Independence Day 💚 PAKISTAN ZINDABAD”.
Owing to the idle and cringe worthy mindset of some users, the only thing they could get their mind to think about after going through this post was – what Mehwish must be wearing beneath her clothes, the color of her undergarments etc. Sadly, they did not even consider it necessary to make any effort at withholding their sick and perverted imagination, and went ahead commenting underneath the picture with disgusting remarks.
However, Mehwish Hayat who is known for her direct manner of speech and low tolerance for filth, correctly addressed the inappropriate remarks being made under her ‘Independence Day’ post, very rightly saying that such remarks only reveal the perverted mindset of those behind them.