Love In The Time Of Corona

Abiya Manzoor

Abiya Manzoor

Fashion and Features Editor

The internet has been rather creative since the Coronavirus lockdown limited us in our households. From the funniest of memes to interactive live sessions, many people are trying hard to entertain. The hashtag #loveinthetimeofcorona has also been trending giving us all sorts of feels.
In our opinion the only person you should be loving right now is YOURSELF!😂loveinthetimeofcorona
Jokes Apart, here are some of our favorite memes and tweets!
We’re Not Crying, You Are!

Get Those Tissues Ready!


Heart Warming

Some Funny Ones
No Wonder Quarantine Rhymes With Valentine! *Sigh*

Punjabis Know It All!

Who Knew Trucks Were Our Very Own Simpsons


Desperate Times, Desperate Measures


No Flying Carpets, Only Hand Sanitizers!

The Audacity!


With all the uncertainity and chaos that surrounds us during these testing times. We really love how people’s efforts through various mediums be it a simple meme or tweet is something that is lightening up people’s moods around the world and needs to appreciated. #loveinthetimeofcorona being one of the trending hashtags helped us fix are moods, hope it helped yours too!
Click here for our last quarantine feature!