Chupke Chupke has been a winner when it comes to Ramzan special series. The show is being loved all over the nation for its epic coming timing, light hearted spirit and of course the nok jhok. The show features an ensemble cast including Osman Khalid Butt, Ayeza Khan, Mira Sethi, Asma Abbas, Ali Safina, Arsalan Naseer (of CBA) and Aymen Saleem.
The show has gifted us some great breakout stars like Arsalan and Aymen.
Last night’s episode was a roller coaster ride with Hadi being an astounding winner. Twitter was trending with his name because he proved to be a wholesome character in the latest episode. Not only is he the most sensitive brother for Meenu but also a solid friend for Faazi and well the ideal companion for Mishi.
He is especially bring praised for his comic timing, effortless dialogue delivery and ace acting.
Scroll down to see Twitter swooning over him.
Are you loving the character of Hadi as well because we sure are. To top it all of, we cant wait for the #Hashi ship to sail!
Do let us know about your feedback in the comments section here.
Waiting for tonight’s episode like….