What is it about Mustafa, Sharjeena’s chemistry in ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ that has won us all?

Mahnoor Jalal

Mahnoor Jalal


It’s no doubt that Fahad Mustafa and Hania Amir’s drama ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ is currently ruling the television screens of Pakistan at this moment.

But what is it truly about Sharjeena and Mustafa’s relationship that has made the show stand out among the rest of the dramas being produced in Pakistan? We will expand on all of this here.

1 Sharjeena didn’t need to fix Mustafa, he was already prepared to become the ideal man for her.

Sharjeena and Mustafa didn’t get married in the most ideal circumstances. She was dumped by his elder brother, Adeel, because he wanted to go for someone with a more superior status and wealthy background. But she chose Mustafa because he never looked down over her accomplishments, and also recognised where he needs to improve in order to be the solid partner Sharjeena needed in her life. In these recent episodes of ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’, Mustafa acknowledges the fact that he was never going to make enough money that would provide his wife with the comfortable lifestyle she deserved, but he was going to work incredibly hard to ensure that all her dreams are fulfilled.


2 Mustafa is a man who does his part around the household to ease Sharjeena’s stress

Rarely have we seen Pakistani male leads actively doing their part in the household chores, and making sure that they can ease the stress their wife is undergoing. But Mustafa actively ensures that he can make his contribution to setting up their new life. His love language is acts of service, and that’s the message we want women to take away from this drama. That a man who values you and respects your time won’t put you down because of your status or wealth but will actively work hard to bring peace to your life. .

3. What makes Sharjeena and Mustafa so appealing in comparison to Rubab and Adeel

Rubab and Adeel are a toxic couple because they based their preferences around wealth and social status, which is why they are not afraid to cheat and lie behind each other’s back, because they never understood what being genuine is. In contrast to them, ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ shows how Sharjeena and Mustafa built up a stable relationship because they truly respected each other and had understood the trauma they both had undergone.


Read more: Why we are rooting for Sharjeena and Mustafa from ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ to come back together