Because the work gets you money, we get it. Let this entire week be about that. Ohhhh the feeling you would get once lol your pending tasks get aligned. Even if you put your family and partner aside for a few days, you’d get your work streamlined. Let’s hope your partner doesn’t hate us for implanting this idea in you. Phewww. Out come the coffee mugs and have those tea cups warmed, we have our fiery Aries all charged up to get their tasks finished. This may not be all taken by those around you. Let’s see if you could convince them to give you space to study or focus on your newly established business or study routine. Kudos to you for trying to work out your relationships this week. Whistles.
Cosmos says-The Universe always pays off hard work.
These lights around you, these beautiful gatherings and such amazing photo stock to chose your next DP from. Wow Taurus, you are our Social Media dream this week! You would enter this week with being rewarded the much needed break from unhappy situations. Finallllyyyyyy. Let the rest of the eleven of us zodiacs stand up and clap for your endurance. You were looking forward to this, and you have got it. Things that were delayed and meet-ups that were due, shall finally materialise. Sometimes the world around us is celebrating, but those lights give us headaches. Are you going to be one of those, Taurus? New possibilities are shining their light upon you, how about take one day at time? Yeah? It will work out this time.
Cosmos says-After every dark night, a bright day appears.
Emotional turmoil’s are not easy, Gemini. You are one of the most sociable of us and seeing you deal with things not working out for you, breaks our hearts! But hey loooook, not all is lost sugar. It’s not a bad week, it’s just a detour. What if this alternative path has ice cream on the way? Cmonnnn, we all scream for ICE CREAM. Hypothetically though, we know talking about calories is a sinful act. Tch tch. Forgive us the dark lord of “Skinny-istan”. But in all honesty, if things haven’t turned out to be in your favour or as you hoped, know that this is just this week. Living in the past is for those who have nothing left in the future. Plans made this week, may not go as expected. But we discussed this Gemini, just seven days, okay?
Cosmos say-How do you know the other side of chaos is not beautiful?
Oh dear. What addictions do you have this week Cancer? You are chained by what? We wanna know honey plums. Earplugs out, music off, and all ears towards you. Obsessions of things is never a bad idea, but going all hopeless about it is seriously questionable. Why do you have to be all chained up with this situation. Life was sour in the last few weeks, but being sad about the future is not your way out. Healing and normalisation is coming. Yes yes, we promise, Our emotional Cancer. You want it, and you want it all. Don’t take things by their appearances.
Cosmos Says-Before you question the birds staying stationary despite having wings, ask yourself the same question.
“Everyyyyy night in my dreams, I seee youuuu, I feeeeeeel you”well yes, we were all going Celine Dion on you, Leo. Love is all there. People are on the same page as yours. You will let the bygones be bygones and fixing this relationship was worth the effort sweets. This bond is developing and you might go forward with this. You’re blushing yet? Awwwwww. Someone give our Leo a cold glass of water. People you have lost in touch with, might reappear and meetings with them will bring happiness. Acknowledgement of love is a far better gesture than actually being in love. Happy for you and good luck, sweet Leo. Tasks that required help from someone you had hoped from, shall work out in this week.
Cosmos says-1 plus 1 make an 11, not 2.
Virgo, Virgo, Virgooooooo. All is well okay? Life is offering stability to you. Would you kindly extend your hand and take it. Let us tell you something, (yes it’s lecture time), life throws challenges and obstacles at us all the time. But then it all gives its solutions, that the secret staff of this Universe need us to decode. Eye rolling at the mystery of it. This week you will have the solutions to all those issues. You’re coming back, and that too with a bang. You’ll feel complete, dear Virgo. Have you ever felt like the world is yours and you finally feel alive? That’s how this week shall be. Everything that was a cause of concern and worry, will follow through and you’d be in a different, and a much more positive mindset in the coming seven days. Cheeeeers Virgo!
Cosmos Says-When one door closes, a thousand other open.
There was a great leader in China who decided to make a wall, and then this week guess who wants to break the leader’s record? Yes that’s right, it’s you dear Libra. You are stuck and you don’t know where to go. We understand the delays around you, but before you agonise in this pain, know that some of the external circumstances must never be fret. Can you control them? No right. Then let it be. God will handle this mess. You wouldn’t know where to go, but it will get resolved if you just confront this once and for all. Libra, you just lack direction right now. But this situation will move from its stationary position. Promise.
Cosmos Says-The way appears when take your first step.
New new new newwwwwwww. We love this word, and we know you do too.
Yes, don’t even ask this question, you are on the RIGHT path. Why question something that has been lead by the heart. They say, God resides in our hearts. You are intuitive, dearest Scorpio. And this week you must listen to your your gut feeling more than any other Tarot reader or astrologer. (Feeling awkward writing this.) you may empathise with some one close to you, you proceed with love in this business. Your interest somewhere has rekindled and you want to see how life turns out with a fresh perspective. Also, we wanna know Scorpio, how is this new love Interest? Don’t hide behind that phoneeee now. Winks.
Cosmos say-This new light maybe tiny, but can do wonders if you let it in.
Look at you, practicing the art of listening instead of talking about yourself. We love this soooo much, we might vote for you in the next elections. Totally expecting the wrath of the rulers. You’re a tad more intuitive this week, Sagittarius! Usually when one goes through a period of depression and remorse, intuitive abilities are nurtured. Take advantage of this. Yes, you’re absolutely right when you think that she’s talking your back and that your partner is spending more time with friends. Yikessss. Someone is in trouble. RUN. You shall be very caring and tender this week, and we are jealous of those who shall receive this warm-ness of you. Burns.
Cosmos says-Listening is better than talking.
Life is offering you trust this time. These changes and alternative thinking shall benefit you immensely. Will you take all this Capricorn? You are a very steady person and the World talks about your firm solid self. This week shall start with the thought of improving your health and finances. The soul may be enriched through meditation or positive thoughts, but the vessel that contains it, must be looked after. Look whose getting ready to look cuteeeeee. You and you and you. Expect money or new job offers your way and we won’t be shy to not ask for a treat. Guilty! Finances that were due or money you owed may come back. You Richie rich. (Let’s assume you are not spending all that much). Even in matters of love and emotions, you shall prioritize practicality and give a bathroom break to the emotions. You brainy being! Teach us please?
Cosmos says-Everyone gets sad, but crying in Rolls Royce is far better.
Yessssssssss. This is the energy we are talking about, Aquarius. All charged up and ready to take on the world. “Knock knock, who is it? It’s Aquarius ready to paint the town red ma’am!” In any gathering and meet-ups, you’d get attention like no one’s business. What is your secret Aquarius? We have our note pads out. Throw any situation at you this week, and you shall handle it with grace. What an excellent week for your career. Look at the exuberance of yourself and you know what, people shall notice you for this. Proceed with faith in your countless abilities, because they might come in handy. Your external self shall be at it’s finest and that sizzling exterior is what we are rooting for. Don’t you love it when your partner gives those compliments? Feels just like that extra topping of cheese on the pizza.
Cosmos says-You don’t have to tell people you’re pretty, you have to feel it. The world shall already know.
Pisces ♥️
We understand when you want to crawl back in your shell Pisces, you are the most intuitive of us. But you ACTUALLY do know more than all of us. And your gut never betrays you. It’s okay, a week of inactivity prepares for the life coming ahead. After the phone needs to charge up before a full day of pictures. Yes yes, we know these analogies are outrageous, but hey they work! When you say you know, then you actually KNOW. You are not wrong to think that something isn’t how it appears to be. We wouldn’t be surprised if your intuition turns out right this time as well, well like ALWAYS.
Cosmos says-Our body knows before our mind