Someone posted a photo of ‘strawbiryani’ online and people are very… very confused!
The photograph shows a pot of freshly cooked biryani sitting on the stove. It looks like just another tempting pot of fiery biryani until one realises that it’s garnished with plump scarlet strawberries! This has left people beyond puzzled and in search of many answers.
Here’s the original photo which went viral after shortly being posted by a Pakistani Twitter user by the name of ‘Saad’ who caption it as ‘We made strawbiryani at home today and I am curious to know what desi Twitter has to say about it.’
Here’s how people are reacting to the very unusual strawberry biryani:
Seems like some want to start a new viral food trend following the “baked feta cheese pasta” one.
— Yasser Masood (@YasserM86) February 21, 2021
Now the Desi biryani literally got butchered cause someone decided to add... strawberries 🍓.
This is almost like the pineapple pizza debacle.
Why don't you try Ghulab Jamon on Biryani then? It's more meetha than strawberry... 🙈
— Naveed Shinwari, Ph.D (@ahmadshinwari) February 21, 2021
Well if someone can post " biryani with strawberries " , then anything is possible.
— Amitanjan Chowdhury (@AMITANJANC) February 21, 2021
While we’re not sure how the ‘Strawbiryani’ would taste, we certainly do know that desi Twitter disapproves of this new invention. Also it is no secret that the photograph was specifically posted to garner some interesting comments from the Twitterati.
What are your thoughts on the strawberry biryani? Let’s us know by dropping a comment on our Instagram page. We would love to hear from you!
Until next time!