Mahira Khan and Zahid Ahmed paired up for Sheheryar Munawar’s directorial debut. The duo will be sharing the screen for the first time for a short film directed and written by Sheheryar Munawar.
Sheheryar has been gaining a lot of appreciation for his character in his on-going drama serial Pehli si Mohabbat. Sheheryar and Mahira have worked together in a few commercials and three movies, 7 din Mohabbat In, Parey Hut Love and Ho Mann Jahan. Fans have always loved their on-screen chemistry and the duo shares a great bond of friendship as well.
Zahid Ahmed has marked his name in the entertainment industry with his versatile acting skills. He took to Twitter and wrote, “Sweaty & exhausted at pack up of our short film with a powerful message. Huge shout out to ItsSheheryar who has superbly directed it & such a pleasure to find that the biggest superstar we have – TheMahiraKhan , is also an extremely humble and positive person to work with”.
Sweaty & exhausted at packup of our short film with a powerful message. Huge shoutout to @ItsSheheryar who has superbly directed it & such a pleasure to find that the biggest superstar we have – @TheMahiraKhan , is also an extremely humble and positive person to work with 🙏
— Zahid Ahmed (@zahidahmed_) July 17, 2021
The production team has successfully kept tight lips about the upcoming project and as much information is not revealed about the upcoming film, rumours are that it might release after Eid. We wish the whole team of the short movie all the very best!
Let us know in the comments section on our Instagram page if you guys are as excited as we are for this upcoming film.