Is It Okay To Not Be Productive During The Quarantine?

Abiya Manzoor

Abiya Manzoor

Fashion and Features Editor

With every tabloid and blog bombarding us all with ways to make this quarantine productive, can we even allow our real emotions and questions to be heard? Is it okay to not be productive during this period?

In our opinion, every person in this world is going through something they weren’t anticipating so in all honesty, there’s no guru or teacher who has the remedy to solve the situation we’re stuck in!

You can redefine accompishments in your own way in these testing times. Yes, it’s okay to not know how you’re supposed to cope up with this, it’s okay to not blame yourself for the excessive screen time, it’s okay to catch up on your sleep, it’s okay to take a breather and at the same time it’s also okay to clean the house, workout and work from home.


It’s all okay as long us you think it’s okay, as long as it gives you peace. Nobody prepares you in school to deal with a pandemic, so as long as you feel you’re okay, it is actually okay! 


Don’t let your own voice be clouded  amidst the crowd that surrounds you ( yes even when you’re self-isolating). You don’t have to be amazing, efficient or productive, you just have to be okay! You don’t have to make the most out of it, you just have to make it! More power to you!
For our last quarantine feature, click here!