In a world full of plastic surgeries and fillers, Meera Jee is all for wrinkles and considers that it’s fashionable to have them. She is truly owning what time does to a human body and doesn’t shy away from embracing her true beauty.
She further says that she does not believe in surgeries and considers true and organic skin to be the best type of skin. The best part is that despite of her wrinkles she thinks she is young and beautiful. What a babe!
She sends out a message to all the women out there to embrace their natural beauty, to understand what time does to their body and how its completely okay to have wrinkles. Not only that she thinks its trendy and fashionable to have them. There are a few celebrities who not only celebrate and own their beauty but also empower their fans in the process. Meera Jee does exactly that with this post of hers.
What are your comments on this issue, do you think Meera Jees’s way of expressing her message is apt, do let us know in the comments section here. We think its beautiful!