‘Feminism/Islam does not take aurat kay hakook’: Frieha Altaf slams Ahmed Ali Butt for regressive take on women’s rights

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Former singer and actor Ahmed Ali Butt is once again under hot water for his regressive views on feminism. The ‘Ye Jawani Phir Nahi Aani’ actor shared a clip of his upcoming interview with tech CEO Kanwal Cheema where he shared that there is proof now that movements like Aurat March are being funded with the motive “to disrupt the family structure of Pakistan.”

Butt went on to share that feminists were going against their biological nature by trying to alter that fact that a man is suppose to provide and a woman is supposed to nurture.


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Actress, former model and podcast host Frieha Altaf had slammed Ahmed Ali Butt for his regressive views, saying that progressive movements like feminism were here to help women to exercise free will and asked him to stop coming after Aurat March.

“Oh Hello!
Please look up the definition of Feminism.
Feminism is full social, economic, political equality for women. Humanity suffers when one gender is discriminated against. For example, women Not allowed to work, or Get paid less for the same job, not allowed to vote, basically not allowed choice. Considered a lesser being. Not having a brain to make decisions.
Baby producing machines ?
Ahmed @ahmedalibutt I’m so disappointed that you would make a statement that “me too” movement &”Aurat March” are foreign funded. These opinions have to have backing.
For years women have endured sexual harassment at work spaces. Stepping out of your house to work and have look at you in a lewd way, or be inappropriately touched
How could YOU, a man know what that feels like?
The courage it took to speak up on this became a global voice.
By saying aurat March is disrupting your family structure? Women are created to Multiply? Like that’s their only purpose in life??
Men to provide? Like that’s their only function.
Let me tell you that Feminism/Islam does not take Aurat kay Hakook. It gives them Hakook.
If a woman chooses to be a home maker she does of free will ( she’s not a Kaidi)
If her husband of father, brother forces her to be a home maker she’s definitely a ‘Kaidi”
Now, can we stop being so obsessed with Women’s clothing?
Mera Jism Meri Marzi
Is about to”Choice” “Free Will”, stop getting obsessed about what women are wearing
Let that be a Choice, Hakook.”

Many other users slammed Ahmed Ali Butt for his regressive views on women, while pointing out the irony that it was his grandmother, Madam Noor Jahan, who was regarded as an icon in Pakistan’s music industry.

“your grandmother, who used to belt out classics draped in chiffon and jewels like the absolute queen she was, must be weeping nonstop in her grave, wondering how her embarrassment of a grandson ended up clutching his tasbeeh over women in t-shirts, jhumkas, and sari blouses (which she herself wore with effortless grace),” one user wrote.

Another user wrote: “If Ahmed Ali Butt hates feminists so much, does he also hate his own grandmother, Madam Noor Jehan? She was a true feminist icon. She wore what she wanted because she understood the power of Mera Jism Meri Marzi. She built a legendary career in a male-dominated industry. She paved the way for countless women in music and lived unapologetically on her own terms. Typical how men like him, who, let’s be honest, no one would even know if not for his grandmother, enjoy the benefits of powerful women in their own family but have a problem when other women demand the same freedom.”

Many also demanded Ahmed Ali Butt to show his proof regarded how progressive movements like Aurat March are ‘foreign funded’ as he claimed.

A user commented under the post “Please provide proof of aurat march being foreign funded!! You’re building a mass narrative here without having any evidence. People follow you, you should be more responsible and make educated statements with what you say. Don’t make baseless claims!”

We have to say that we’re incredibly disappointed to witness that in 2025, men still feel the need to slander feminism and Aurat March for the sake of ‘views’ online.