Pakistani women just got duped by Facebook Swindler ‘Sidra Humaid’ who swindled around Rs. 42 crores collected from around 100 kitties/committees.
Entrepeneur Sidra Humaid had apparently been handling over 100 online committees with a total amount of 42 crore, when she announced she has gone bankrupt as result of “people backing out after taking their first slots.”
So far she she has not provided any details, legal document or any trail that proves where the money went
and she herself took first slots in many of the cycles, as a result of which she owes money in several places, somewhere 30 lac, somewhere 10 lac and 5 lac somewhere else.
Women who have lost large sums of money are in deep distress. Meanwhile the entrepreneur shared what she called a ‘public apology’ in a facebook post, to announce her bankruptcy and inform people that she will not be able to give them their money.