Ayeza Khan is playing the role of a Tiktoker in her latest drama serial Laapata. The drama also stars Sarah Khan, Ali Rehman Khan and Gohar Rasheed. Written and directed by Khizer Idrees of Verna & Manto, Laapata will soon air on HUM TV. Ayeza Khan plays the role of ‘Geeti’. They have already made a Tiktok account of that character by the name ‘Princess Geeti’.
Ayeza recently recreated the look of Mahira Khan from her movie Superstar and dedicated a heartfelt post to her.
After Mahira Khan, Ayeza Khan has revealed the look of Geeti as Madam Noor Jehan recreating the iconic style and glamour of the legend, with winged eyeliner, glossy lips, choker and jewels.
Other actors of the show have also released their character posters from the show Laapata, click here to see.
The Ost of the drama was released earlier which gives us a glimpse of the characters and their roles.
Fans are anxiously waiting for the show and can’t wait for it to hit the screens and see the story unfold.