This year Aurat March announced on its Instagram page that they aimed to shed light on the growing issue of misinformation and harassment done by male reporters who do not cover the march in an accurate manner and have consistently bothered participants present there. The art installation “Journalism must be ethical” was set up to call out Youtube journalists who are not given permission to enter the event, yet still show up to harass and criticize the participants present, as the group wrote on their page:
“YouTube’s click bait-based system pushes people to create attention grabbing content. The coverage of Aurat March we see on YouTube is far from reality. These YouTube “journalists” sensationalized, misrepresented and harassed participants Aurat March last year. We present here direct quotes from their “coverage.” Tell us how you feel about their statements — is this Aurat March to you?”
The art installment consisted of pictures of youtube journalists and the degrading comments they had passed on attendants of Aurat March. For instance, a picture of a news reporter from Urdu Point who had asked ill informed questions to participants last year regarding the issue of consent by saying “If a woman is wearing a short skirt then obviously a man would stare at her.”