“As a woman leader, I thought I brought a different kind of leadership. I was interested in women’s issues, in bringing down the population growth rate… as a woman, I entered politics with an additional dimension – that of a mother.”~~ Benazir Bhutto
Benazir Bhutto undoubtebly remains one of the most powerful political figures to have played on the political landcape of Pakistan. Known for her daring choices, political astute and valour, her sartorial choices also garnered alot of attention.
Graceful, sophisticated and functional are just a few words to describe the style legacy she carried. Today, we look back at some of her iconic fashion moments.

Striking in a fur jacket, scarf, hair tied back in a half knot with sunglasses on the head. A special emphasis on how she ties her hands infront of her while the photgraphers click.
Meaningfully Modest

Polka dots and puffed sleeves gathered at the sleeves’ hem, paired with a stole around the neck. Hair half up with a middle part and minimal makeup. Not to forget the dainty watch and a sleek pendant.
Classic Calm

Styling her very Jackie Kennedy like hair with a calming blue shirt and chiffon patterned stole draped in her signature style. A little liner, a perfect pink pout and the right amount of bling with her gold watch.
Draping it Gracefully

A portrait that speaks volumes! Draping her white silken scarf around her head and carrying the accessory all her followers cherished the most; her larger than life smile!
Power Dressing!

While taking her oath as the first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan, the power woman opted for a green silken long kameez with her signature scarf in the color white. Kohl rimmed eyes, pink pout and an assertive posture.
Effortless Elegance

It’s hard not to think about her and not remember her signature blue shirt and white scarf combination. Here, she’s seen wearing a crisp blue silk shirt with gold details at the sleeve hems, pearl earrings and minimal makeup.
History seldom presents us with personalities that outshine their contemporaries in ways unlike other people could. Late Benazir Bhtto served as not only a Pakistani icon but is remembered as a feminist icon by world leaders around the globe, till date.