Pakistan Wins Kabaddi WorldCup 2020! The Nation Rejoices.

Abiya Manzoor

Abiya Manzoor

Fashion and Features Editor

Pakistan defeated India, the defending champions of the Kabaddi World Cup yesterday which has the nation up in the air.  The nail biting match showcased India keeping the upper hand in the first half with 24-18. However, soon Pakistan shifted the turf and defeated their rivals with a 43-41 win.

From Prominent political personalities, cricket stars to entertainment industry, all took to twitter to express their happiness on this fantastic win.

Prime Minister Imran Khan amongst others congratulated the team on their win!

Many leading members of the entertainment industry also appreciated the team on their fantastic effort.

Many Cricket stars also took to twitter to give their fellow sports players a boost and celebrate their stunning win.

We love how sports apart from cricket are also taking centre stage and are recieving support from our celebrities and and public alike.

This Kabaddi Worldcup win adds to the list of wordcups Pakistanis have won for their Nation. More power to the team!