#NoExams Is Trending And Twitter Is On A Roll!

Abiya Manzoor

Abiya Manzoor

Fashion and Features Editor

The goverment has announced the cancellation of board exams, saying that students will be assessed on previous assessments. This comes as a relief for the board students. Shafqat Mahmood made the announcement today.

Meanwhile the announcement for universities varies from the announcement made for the board exams. “Universities would decide their exams schedule according to their own policies and according to the direction and SOPs issued by the Higher Education Commission”
This has led to #noexams trending on twitter.

Scroll down for some of our favorite tweets.
Garden Garden
Meanwhile university students

Waah Waah

Keep looking friends
Lol one of those days

University students can’t deal
Sums it up



We hope you are among those who’s exams got cancelled and if not well then tough luck. With #noexams, #lockdownends is also trending on twitter but we would like to take this moment to remind all of you that the virus and the pandemic is far from over. We still need to take the precautionary measures needed to contain the spread of the virus so that all ous and our loved ones are safe and protected.
For our last quarantine feature click here!