‘Men cannot be ‘shareef’, it is not genetically possible for them. Scientifically they generate so many cells in which specific area?’: Mohib Mirza




Mohib Mirza sits face to face with Adnan Faisal in a podcast addressing controversy around his second marriage with actress Sanam Saeed and his love story, amongst other personal reflections. ‘Men cannot be ‘shareef’, it is not genetically possible for them to be so’, opined the actor.

Shutting down rumors regarding him having cheated on his first wife and marrying Sanam, he asserted that he was not in a marriage at the time of his involvement with Sanam and had already been divorced.


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When asked about who dictates the house, and whether Sanam gets her way with him as he is a ‘shareef’ man, Mohib Mirza had to say that ‘If you are a man you cannot be shareef. Its all useless talk. No one should live in this delusion. Men cannot be ‘shareef’, it is not genetically possible for them to be so due to the way they have been made. Scientifically they generate how many cells in which specific area???? Billions…So you were made like a machine and you are a machine. Accept it as soon as possible!”.