‘Lays’ grows ‘Legs’ in a hilarious attempt to support local businesses




In a hilarious attempt to support local businesses and cut down on consumption of imported items, Pakistanis come up with a new brand of chips ‘Legs’ as an alternative to ‘Lays’.

The new brand of chips comes as a cheaper substitute for the imported brand of ‘Lays’, as the pack and logo which resembles the original brand, reads Rs. 1 only. Who would have thought going local could get this interesting!!!

You might have tried Lays chips

Amidst growing discussion regarding the need to support Pakistani products and cut down of foreign imports, there has been a surge of local brands coming up with local alternatives to fill the gap. Meanwhile, various soft drinks have also hit the market under the name of Mecca Cola, Zamzama Cola, Amrit Cola, Zam Zam Cola, Al-Mecca Cola, etc., as an alternative option for the consumers who are not interested in drinking foreign brand soft drinks. The new players are offering soft drinks at Rs40-50 for a 1.5 litre bottle.

Moreover, amidst other brands McDonalds Pakistan found itself in the line of fire when the fast food chain’s !sr@*! franchise announced it was giving away thousands of free meals to the army, stirring debate on whether certain brands may be held responsible for the ongoing catstrophe in G@z@.