JS Bank’s Social Media accounts are creating alot of buzz, here’s why!

We’re as curious as you to know the reason behind this episode




JS Bank’s social media accounts are posing to be our dose of entertainment today. Either its a very filmy Digital Team or an ‘Intern’ because we don’t know why are they posting dialogues from our favorite films on their official Social Media accounts. However, we’re not complaining either.


We’re not the only ones shocked at this happening. People have been flooding their comments section ever since the posts were made public. Some think these are the after effects of watching too many Punjabi movies, while others think they’ve mistakenly posted them.



We don’t know about you but we are having a gala time reading their tweets and the responses they are getting from the audience. It’s truly a meme fest! The bank has already deleted the posts from the page but eager followers have taken screenshots already to know what’s happening behind the scenes.

One of the tweets posted is a famous dialogue from the blockbuster drama which is making everyone wonder if ‘Khirad’ has taken over JS Bank’s Social Media accounts, some also commented very dramatic comments including “Khirad has entered the chat” and “Khirad is this you??”

Multiple theories regarding these posts have surfaced but JS Bank has yet to make a statement about this rather entertaining episode. JS Bank has gone viral for a very unique reason and we’re eagerly waiting to see how this unfolds!