‘I told my husband I want to kill my child’: Sarwat Gilani opens up about suffering post partum depression, encourages new mothers to seek mental health facilities

Mahnoor Jalal

Mahnoor Jalal


Actress Sarwat Gilani was a guest on the morning show with host Nida Yasir, where she opened up about the dark side of post partum depression, and how new mothers should seek mental health services after giving birth.

The actress revealed how she felt like murdering her newborn baby at one point when she would not stop crying. “I remember telling my husband that I wanted to kill her, and I couldn’t stop crying. Then my husband reassured me that I was suffering from post-partum blues and it’s not a permanent feeling.”

The actress urged new mothers to understand that the feelings they were going through weren’t their own, but it was mental phase which will pass through quickly. She encouraged women to read up on post partum before giving birth, because they will be able to recognise their depression once they understand it more.

“For the first four months I was in a very dark place,” recalled the actress. “You get suicidal thoughts, you feel alone. Postpartum depression is a serious subject and we never talk about it.”

We applaud the actress for bluntly opening up about a topic that is rarely discussed in the media, and instead of harshly judging her, we want more women to introspect and read more about the topic to ensure new mothers never struggle alone.