Here’s why Jannat Mirza’s NIC has gone viral



Recently leading local TikTok influencer and starlet Jannat Mirza’s National Identification Card went viral on social media for her ID card photograph being a little too perfect.

It is no secret that almost everyone dreads their picture on their ID cards – for some reason, no matter how hard you try, chances of getting an aesthetically pleasing photograph on there are… let’s be honest, pretty slim!

However, Jannat Mirza successfully qualified as part of the 1% of the world’s population which owns NICs with flattering photographs and this is the reason why the Twitterati couldn’t keep from discussion.


Here’s what people have to say:


Jannat Mirza is indeed one of Pakistan’s most beautiful faces. With an Instagram following of 1.5M, the TikToker rules the hearts of many with her doe eyes and charming aura!

Mirza is currently working on multiple projects inclusive of a drama serial which is still in works. She recently returned to Pakistan after a long stay and hiatus in the capital city of Japan, Tokyo. She was recently spotted attending a wedding and is currently in Lahore.

What are your thoughts on Jannat Mirza’s ID card photograph going viral? Let us know by leaving a comment on our Instagram page.