An absurd act in Ehd-e-Wafa makes people go crazy on twitter!

Ifra Abbas

Ifra Abbas


The much awaited episode of Eh-e-Wafa just got a bit intense and upsetting last night. As predicted from the last episode the gang SSG breaks up and three of them, Saad, Shah Zain and Sheharyar get expelled from the hostel except for Shariq, yet all were allowed to sit from the examinations from the College Board. The tension and the bitter experience they all had with Dua led a great amount of disappointment, anger, and grudge among all four.

As three of them go back to their homes and start preparing for their exams, Usman Khalid Butt’s character has a drastic change in this episode. As he belonged to a family of feudal and landlords the same typical vibe was felt in his character. As the drama took a serious turn from the last episode another upsetting scene took the social media by storm Usman Khalid Butt’s horse which somehow lost the race among other horses, was brutally shot by him on the spot. The scene was so sensitive and heart-wrenching to see that it just disappointed the audience on a great level.

Here are some of the tweets on how people reacted to that particular scene: