Color Protection, Fabric Care and Travel Friendly? Surf Excel Liquid DID IT.




One of the most important aspects of personal grooming are your clothes, how they look, whether they are ironed properly and most importantly, if they are clean and spotless. Often, we send our best clothes for dry cleaning so the bright neon colors don’t go dull and their life can be extended and they can be properly cleaned but no more! Surf Excel Liquid is here to save us on our dry-cleaning bill while truly taking care of our most beloved clothes.

Surf Excel Liquid is the one that comes through every time no matter what crisis your favorite clothes are going through. To keep your clothes looking just as how you bought them, Surf Excel Liquid is engineered to care for your clothes’ fabric and protects the color so you can look fresh always.

The coolest thing by far is Surf Excel Liquid’s bottle design! The cap of the bottle is equipped with a scrubber to get rid of those nasty stains that refuse to come out even after being scrubbed by our hands for hours on end.
All in all, Surf Excel Liquid is here to make our lives easier and keep us looking at our best no matter what we wear!

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