Karachi witnesses rise in stomach illnesses as fried food intake soars during Ramzan

Picture of Mahnoor Jalal

Mahnoor Jalal


Karachi and fried food: a love affair not even inflation or acidity can stop.

This Ramzan, Karachi has witnessed a noticeable hike in stomach-related illnesses like high blood pressure cholera or acidity because of the overwhelming consumption of fried foods and sweets according to Geo. Speaking to the publication, Dr Irfan at the Jinnah Medical Centre reported over 70 cases of cholera were recorded at their clinic. He added that the number was twice the amount of usual cases they received on a daily basis.

At the Dr Ruth Pfau Civil Hospital, Dr Imran revealed to the publication they had received over 60-70 cases of cholera and other stomach-related illnesses on a daily basis, most of whom suffered from high blood pressure.

Last year, over 1200 people across Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ended up in medical emergency rooms because of over consumption after the Eid-ul-Adha holidays. According to the Express Tribune, at the Lady Reading Hospital in Peshawar over 610 gastroenteritis cases were reported in the last 24 hours, which were mostly due to excessive consumption of meat.

Whereas in Punjab, over 2200 patients were reported from some of the major hospitals across the province. In Lahore, over 130 patients were admitted while Services, Ganga Ram and Mayo Hospital recorded over 100 patients each.