The mind-blowing plot twists in ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ have rocked the internet

Mahnoor Jalal

Mahnoor Jalal


If people thought that ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ has slowly started wrapping up, they just dropped a mind blowing episode that had some shocking developments.

‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ shows how Mustafa’s work is robbed by his white boss, and he is unable to take legal action against them

Firstly, Mustafa’s dream to become a game developer shatters in a heartbreaking way. His foreign manager, Joseph, steals the credit and then fires Mustafa from the company.

Twitter users expressed their dismay at how the show depicted the racism and cruel mistreatment brown people like Mustafa faced at the hands of their white bosses.




What is more heartbreaking is how Mustafa had pinned all his hopes in getting this game out, and then he would have been able to afford the same lifestyle his brother had, and give Sharjeena all she wants. Twitter users expressed their heartbreak at how Mustafa quickly decides to jump into working minimum wage jobs, so that he could keep providing for their family.


Sharjeena is pregnant, and the internet went ballistic.

The second crazy plot twist of this episode was Sharjeena revealing to Mustafa that she was pregnant, just when their financial situation couldn’t get any more worse. We really had to ask that with everything going on regarding their financial situation, Mustafa’s unemployment and barely getting any necessities for their apartment, why did the writers of ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ decide a pregnancy was the best thing to add into the drama?

Twitter users had some hilarious reactions to the pregnancy revelation.




We’re hoping along with the rest of the fans that Mustafa and Sharjeena brave through the storms together, because that is why we prefer them even more than the other evil couple.

Read more: What is it about Mustafa, Sharjeena’s chemistry in ‘Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum’ that has won us all?