We all get a little excited when it starts to rain and the air feels fresher and clearer. Some people dread the rain and associate it with glumness, but even they can’t deny that a clear sky and cool fresh air can be an instant Mood lifter!
Here are Five things you should do when the weather is this pleasant:
Get your pakoras frying
We don’t really know the background association of Pakoras with the rainy season, but we do however know that it’s a classic and brilliant family staple. Lean back into your lawn chairs and enjoy your steaming hot and crispy pakoras while watching the rain pour.
Take your dog out for a walk
Pets love to play outside but most days the sun is too harsh to be walking your dog out during the day. But when it is drizzling or has already rained and the weather is clear, walking your dog, or cat (only if they are comfortable with a leash) is a really soothing chore. Something that you and your pet would definitely enjoy!
Go for a drive
Some people prefer watching the rain from outside their window than stepping out in it. Going out for a nice long drive around nature or a clear wide road. Put on some classic Jazz or Jagjit Singh and you’re in for a ride!
Put on that cute sweater/raincoat you got put were dreading that the weather is getting too warm

Make use of God’s generosity of the cool weather before summer kicks in. If you’re going out for a dinner or a supper to enjoy the weather, one last visit to the winter wardrobe might not be a bad ideas today!
Cook a new recipe Instead of ordering
It can be difficult for riders to deliver orders in the rain, and it isn’t worth it to put another person through the hassle, instead, just pull out your cook books and try cooking something new for your entire family.